How to Know When Your Baby is Teething

When your baby starts to show signs of teething, it can be difficult to determine when the process actually begins. Teething is a normal part of the growth and development of babies, but it can be uncomfortable for them. Knowing when your baby is teething can help you prepare and provide relief for their discomfort. Here are some tips on how to know when your baby is teething:

1. Drooling: Excessive drooling is one of the first signs that your baby may be teething. Your little one may start drooling more than usual, which can lead to an increased need for bibs and burp cloths.

2. Chewing: As teeth begin to erupt from their gums, babies often seek out something to chew on in order to relieve pressure from their gums. If you notice that your baby is suddenly chewing on everything in sight, they may be teething!

3. Fussiness: Babies who are teething often become fussy or irritable due to discomfort in their gums caused by the emerging teeth. They may also become clingy and want extra cuddles as a way of soothing themselves during this time period.

4. Swollen Gums: You may also notice that your baby’s gums appear red or swollen as they are preparing for new teeth coming through their gums!
5. Low-grade Fever: Some babies experience a low-grade fever while they are teething due to inflammation in their mouth caused by emerging teeth!

Knowing when your baby is teething can help you provide relief from any discomfort they might feel during this time period! It’s important to monitor them closely so that you can provide comfort and support as needed throughout this process!


Teething, Drooling, Chewing, Fussiness, Swollen Gums, Low-grade Fever, Relief, Discomfort,
