How To Soothe A Crying Baby During The Painful Process Of teething

Teething is a natural and inevitable part of a baby’s development. It can be an uncomfortable process for both the baby and the parents, as babies may experience pain, swelling, and fussiness due to the emergence of new teeth. Fortunately, there are several ways to soothe a crying baby during teething.

1. Offer Cold Items: Cold items such as frozen washcloths or cold teethers can help reduce inflammation in the gums and provide relief from pain. Make sure that any item given to your baby is safe for them to chew on and not too cold.

2. Give Gentle Massages: Gently massaging your baby’s gums with a clean finger can provide comfort during teething by helping to reduce inflammation in the area around their emerging teeth.

3. Provide Pain Relief Medication: If your doctor has approved it, giving your baby some over-the-counter pain relief medication such as infant ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help reduce discomfort associated with teething while they are still too young for other forms of treatment such as topical numbing gels or creams.

4. Distract Them With Activities: Taking your baby’s mind off of their discomfort by engaging them in activities that they enjoy can be helpful in calming them down when they are feeling distressed due to teething pain. Reading stories together, playing peek-a-boo, or singing songs are all great ways to distract them from their discomfort and make them feel better again!

5. Give Comforting Cuddles: Nothing beats a comforting cuddle when it comes time for soothing a crying baby during teething! Giving your little one plenty of hugs and snuggles will help reassure them that you are there for them no matter what happens, which is sure to bring some much needed comfort during this difficult time for both you and your little one!


Teething, Baby, Pain, Swelling, Fussiness, Cold Items, Frozen Washcloths, Teethers, Massage Gums, Pain Relief Medication, Infant Ibuprofen/Acetaminophen, Activities, Cuddles,
