The Teething Timeline: What to Expect When

Your Baby is Teething

As a parent, watching your baby grow and develop is one of the most exciting experiences. One of the major milestones that your baby will reach is teething. While it can be an uncomfortable experience for your little one, understanding the teething timeline can help you better prepare for this new stage in their life.

In general, babies start to teeth between 4-7 months old. Most babies will have all 20 primary teeth by the time they are 3 years old. The first teeth to come in are typically the lower central incisors, followed by the upper central incisors. After this, other teeth will start to emerge in pairs on either side of these first two teeth.

During this time, you may notice signs that your baby is teething such as drooling more than usual, putting their hands or objects in their mouth more often, being irritable and having swollen gums. To help soothe these symptoms you can offer them a cold washcloth or teethers to chew on (make sure they are age appropriate). You may also want to give them some infant tylenol if they seem especially uncomfortable or are having trouble sleeping due to pain from teething.

It’s important to remember that every child’s timeline for teething may be different and there is no need to worry if your baby isn’t following a specific pattern or schedule when it comes to tooth eruption. If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s development it’s always best to speak with their pediatrician for advice and guidance tailored specifically for them!


Teething, 4-7 months old, 20 primary teeth, lower central incisors, upper central incisors, drooling, irritable, swollen gums, cold washcloth, teethers, infant tylenol,
