When Should I Expect My Baby's First Tooth?

Having a baby is an exciting time for parents, but with it comes many questions and worries. One of the most common questions is when to expect your baby’s first tooth. While every baby is different and has their own timeline for teething, there are some general guidelines that can help you anticipate when to expect your little one’s first pearly whites!

The average age range for a baby to start teething is between 4-7 months old. However, some babies may start teething as early as 3 months or as late as 12 months old. Generally speaking, the lower front teeth (central incisors) tend to be the first teeth that come in followed by the upper central incisors. After these two teeth have emerged, you can expect the other top and bottom teeth to begin appearing within a few weeks of each other.

When it comes to recognizing signs of teething in your little one, there are several common signs that can alert parents that their baby’s first tooth may be on its way: drooling more than usual; swollen gums; wanting to chew on everything; increased fussiness; and even a slight fever or rash around the mouth area. If you notice any of these symptoms in your child before they turn 7 months old, it could be an indication that their first tooth is coming soon!

If you’re concerned about how your little one will handle teething pain or discomfort, there are several remedies available such as infant pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen (if approved by your doctor). Additionally, cold washcloths or cold food items like applesauce or yogurt can help soothe sore gums during this time.

Overall, every child has their own unique timeline when it comes to teething so don’t worry if yours isn’t following the average age range – they will get those pearly whites eventually! Just keep an eye out for any signs of discomfort and use appropriate remedies if necessary until those beautiful new teeth arrive!


baby, teething, timeline, lower front teeth, central incisors, drooling, swollen gums, chewing, fussiness, fever/rash around mouth area, infant pain relievers (acetaminophen/ibuprofen), cold washcloths/food items (applesauce/yogurt),
