Rehabilitating the Jaw After Diagnosis of a TMJ Disorder

TMJ (temporomandibular joint) disorders are a common condition that can cause pain and discomfort in the jaw. While there is no cure for TMJ disorder, there are several treatments available to help rehabilitate the jaw and reduce symptoms. In this article, we will discuss the various methods of rehabilitating the jaw after diagnosis of a TMJ disorder.

First and foremost, it’s important to understand what causes TMJ disorder. This condition is usually caused by an imbalance between muscles and joints in the jaw, resulting in pain and discomfort when opening or closing your mouth. It can also be caused by grinding or clenching your teeth, arthritis, or injury to the area.

The first step to rehabilitating your jaw after a diagnosis of a TMJ disorder is to rest it as much as possible. Avoid activities that require you to open your mouth wide or put strain on the joint such as chewing gum or eating hard foods like apples. Additionally, try not to clench or grind your teeth during periods of stress since this can worsen symptoms of TMJ disorder.

It’s also important to practice good posture when sitting and standing so that you don’t put unnecessary strain on your neck muscles which can lead to tension headaches and further aggravate symptoms of TMJ disorder. Make sure you keep your head up straight with shoulders back while avoiding hunching over phones or computers for extended periods of time which can cause tightness in neck muscles that travel up into the jaw area resulting in pain and discomfort when opening/closing mouth.

Physical therapy is another great way to rehabilitate your jaw after being diagnosed with a TMJ disorder as it helps relax tight muscles around the joint while strengthening weak ones which helps restore balance between them for better function overall leading reduced pain/discomfort when opening/closing mouth along with improved range of motion within area itself (i..e ability move side-side). Additionally, physical therapists may also recommend exercises designed specifically target areas affected by tmj such as stretching facial muscles gently massage around joint itself using light pressure help reduce stiffness improve mobility within area over time through regular practice sessions at home between clinic visits if necessary depending severity individual case scenario(s).

Finally, medications may be prescribed depending on severity individual case scenario(s) order provide relief from any inflammation present due tmj such ibuprofen naproxen acetaminophen etcetera however these should only used under direct supervision qualified healthcare professional avoid any potential adverse effects associated their use long term basis best possible outcome(s).

In conclusion, there are several methods available for rehabilitating the jaw after being diagnosed with a TMJ disorder including resting it properly; practicing good posture; undergoing physical therapy; and taking medications prescribed by a qualified healthcare professional if necessary . With proper treatment plan tailored individual case scenario(s), those suffering from this condition will find relief from their symptoms in no time!


TMJ, disorder, rehabilitate, jaw, imbalance, muscles/joints, pain/discomfort, rest, good posture, physical therapy, medications,
