The Link between Stress and TMJ Disorders

Do you suffer from jaw pain, clicking or popping of the jaw, headaches, and other facial pain? If so, you may be dealing with a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder. TMJ disorders are complex conditions that can cause a variety of symptoms. While there are many potential causes for TMJ disorders, one factor that is often overlooked is stress.

Stress has been linked to several physical and mental health conditions. It can also exacerbate existing symptoms or lead to new ones. Recent studies have shown that stress can play a role in the development of TMJ disorders as well as their severity and duration.

When someone is stressed out or anxious, they often clench their teeth together without realizing it. This clenching can put excessive pressure on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) which connects the lower jaw to the skull and helps with movement such as opening and closing your mouth and chewing food. Over time this pressure can lead to inflammation, pain, stiffness, limited range of motion in the jaw joints as well as other symptoms associated with TMJ disorder such as headaches and neck pain.

Additionally, when someone is feeling stressed out they tend to tense up their muscles throughout their body including those around their face which can also contribute to TMJ disorder symptoms such as tightness in the jaw muscles or difficulty opening the mouth wide enough for eating or speaking properly.

It’s important to recognize how stress may be contributing to your TMJ disorder so you can take steps towards reducing it in order to reduce your symptoms and improve your overall quality of life. Some tips for managing stress include: getting regular exercise; practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing; talking about any worries or concerns with friends or family; taking time each day for yourself; setting realistic goals; eating healthy foods; getting enough restful sleep each night; avoiding alcohol/cigarettes/drugs; seeking professional help if needed etc..

If you think that your TMJ disorder could be related to stress then it’s important to speak with your doctor about it so they can provide an accurate diagnosis and create a treatment plan tailored specifically for you which could involve lifestyle changes such as those mentioned above along with medications if necessary. Taking care of both physical and mental health is essential when dealing with any chronic condition including TMJ disorders so don’t hesitate to reach out if needed!


TMJ disorder, stress, jaw pain, clicking/popping of jaw, headaches, facial pain, inflammation, stiffness, limited range of motion in jaw joints, neck pain, tightness in jaw muscles, difficulty opening mouth wide enough for eating/speaking properly, regular exercise relaxation techniques deep breathing talking worries concerns friends family time each day realistic goals healthy foods restful sleep avoiding alcohol cigarettes drugs professional help treatment plan medications lifestyle changes physical mental health chronic condition,
