TMJ Disorders: What You Need to Know

TMJ disorders can be a painful and uncomfortable condition that affects the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) of the jaw. The TMJ is located on either side of the head, just in front of the ears, and it connects the lower jaw to the skull. When this joint becomes inflamed or irritated, it can cause pain in different areas of the face and head.

The most common symptom associated with TMJ disorders is pain when opening or closing your mouth. Other symptoms include a clicking sound when you open your mouth, difficulty chewing, facial swelling and tenderness around your jaw area. People with TMJ disorders may also experience headaches, neck pain, earaches and dizziness.

There are several potential causes for TMJ disorders including arthritis, trauma to the jaw area or teeth grinding (bruxism). Stress can also be a factor as it can lead to an increase in teeth grinding which can then cause TMJ disorder symptoms to worsen. In some cases there may be no obvious cause for TMJ disorder symptoms so it’s important to get a proper diagnosis from a doctor or dentist before beginning any treatment plan.

Treatment options for TMJ disorders vary depending on what is causing them but typically include medications such as anti-inflammatories or muscle relaxants as well as physical therapy exercises that help to stretch out tight muscles around the jaw area and improve range of motion in the joint itself. In more severe cases surgery may be recommended if other treatments are not successful at providing relief from symptoms.

It’s important to seek medical attention if you think you may have signs of a TMJ disorder since untreated conditions could lead to further damage of this joint over time which could then result in more severe pain and other complications such as difficulty speaking or eating properly due to limited movement in your jaws. If you think you might have signs of a TMJ disorder make sure you talk with your doctor about potential treatments so that together you can come up with an effective plan for managing any discomfort related to this condition


. TMJ, temporomandibular joint, pain, opening/closing mouth, clicking sound, chewing difficulty, facial swelling/tenderness, headaches, neck pain, earaches, dizziness, arthritis, trauma to jaw/teeth grinding (bruxism), stress, medications (anti-inflammatories/muscle relaxants), physical therapy exercises (stretch tight muscles/improve range of motion), surgery (severe cases), medical attention (untreated conditions could lead to further damage), difficulty speaking/eating properly.,
