TMJ Dysfunction: Causes and Treatment Options

TMJ Dysfunction is a disorder that affects the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which connects the lower jaw to the skull. People who suffer from this condition experience pain in their jaw, face, neck, and head. It can also cause difficulty with opening and closing of the mouth, as well as clicking or popping noises when the jaw is moved.

The exact cause of TMJ Dysfunction is unknown; however, there are several factors that can contribute to it. These include: physical trauma to the area due to an accident or injury; misalignment of teeth; arthritis; stress; bruxism (grinding teeth); and genetics.

Fortunately, there are several treatment options available for those suffering from TMJ Dysfunction. The first step is usually a comprehensive examination by a dentist or doctor so they can properly diagnose the condition and determine what type of treatment would be most effective for each individual patient.

One common treatment option is physical therapy. Physical therapists will use various exercises and stretches to help strengthen muscles in the jaw area and reduce tension in order to relieve pain and improve function of the joint. Additionally, medications such as muscle relaxers may be prescribed if necessary to reduce inflammation and pain levels associated with TMJ Dysfunction.

In some cases, surgery may be recommended if other treatments have not been successful in relieving symptoms or improving function of the joint. Surgery typically involves making small incisions in order to realign teeth or reshape bone structure around the joint so that it functions more effectively without causing discomfort or pain for patients suffering from TMJ Dysfunction.

It’s important that anyone who suspects they may have TMJ Dysfunction seek medical attention right away so they can receive an accurate diagnosis and begin an appropriate course of treatment before their symptoms become worse over time or result in more serious complications down the road. With proper diagnosis and management, many people are able to find relief from their symptoms with these various treatment options available today for TMJ Dysfunction sufferers


. TMJ Dysfunction, temporomandibular joint (TMJ), lower jaw, skull, physical trauma, misalignment of teeth, arthritis, stress, bruxism (grinding teeth), genetics, physical therapy exercises and stretches, medications muscle relaxers, surgery incisions realign teeth reshape bone structure joint function discomfort pain symptoms medical attention diagnosis management treatment options relief,
