How To Avoid Common Mistakes When Putting a Toddler To Bed

Putting a toddler to bed can be a difficult process for many parents. Toddlers are often full of energy and can be easily distracted, making it difficult to get them to stay in bed and go to sleep. To help make the process easier, here are some tips on how to avoid common mistakes when putting a toddler to bed:

1. Establish A Bedtime Routine: Having a consistent bedtime routine is key for helping toddlers understand that it’s time for sleep. This could include activities such as brushing their teeth, reading a book, or taking a bath. Having this routine will help your child understand that it’s time for sleep and will help them wind down at the end of the day.

2. Set Clear Expectations: Before you start your bedtime routine, make sure you set clear expectations with your toddler about what is expected during the process. This could include things like staying in their room until morning or not getting out of bed once they are tucked in at night. Setting these expectations ahead of time will help ensure that they know what is expected of them during the night and will also help make it easier for you when enforcing those expectations later on.

3. Avoid Screens Before Bed: The blue light emitted from screens can interfere with our natural circadian rhythms which can make it harder for us (and our children) to fall asleep at night. Therefore, it’s important to avoid screens before bedtime so that your toddler has an easier time falling asleep when they lay down in their beds at night.

4. Avoid Stimulating Activities Before Bed: It’s important to avoid stimulating activities before bed so that your child isn't too wound up when going into their bedroom for sleep at night. This could include activities such as playing active games or watching exciting TV shows before going into their room for sleep as these activities may overstimulate them and make it more difficult for them to fall asleep quickly once they lay down in their beds at night .

5 . Make Sure Your Child Is Comfortable : Lastly , but most importantly , make sure your child is comfortable in their bedroom . Ensure that the temperature is comfortable , there aren't any bright lights coming from outside sources , and there aren't any loud noises coming from outside sources . All of these things can interfere with your child's ability to fall asleep quickly so making sure they have an environment conducive towards sleeping is key .

By following these tips, parents should be able to avoid common mistakes when putting a toddler to bed and create an environment where toddlers feel comfortable enough falling asleep quickly each night!


bedtime routine, clear expectations, avoid screens, stimulating activities, comfortable environment,
