What To Do If You Have Trouble Putting A Toddler To Bed

Getting your toddler to bed can be a challenge for many parents. Whether it's because of their active imaginations or the fact that they're just not ready to settle down, it can be difficult to get them in bed and keep them there. Luckily, there are some strategies you can use to help make the process easier.

1. Establish a Bedtime Routine: A consistent bedtime routine is key for helping toddlers learn when it's time to go to sleep. Set a specific time each night when your toddler should start getting ready for bed and stick with it as much as possible. Include activities like brushing teeth, putting on pajamas, reading stories, and singing songs so they know what comes next in the routine and that sleep is coming soon.

2. Give Them Choices: Toddlers love having control over their environment and giving them choices during bedtime can help make the process smoother. Ask questions like "Do you want to wear your blue pajamas or your striped ones tonight?" or "Do you want me to read one more story before lights-out?" This will give them a sense of control while also helping move things along towards sleep time.

3. Create a Calm Environment: Creating an environment conducive to sleeping is essential for helping toddlers get into the right frame of mind for snoozing away peacefully until morning comes around again. Dim the lights in their bedroom, turn off any screens (like TVs or tablets), and play some soothing music if desired - all of these things will help create an atmosphere that promotes relaxation rather than excitement which should help put them in the right state of mind for falling asleep quickly and easily at night time.

4. Avoid Negotiating: It may be tempting to negotiate with your toddler when they don't want go go bed but this usually isn't effective in the long run as it reinforces bad habits like delaying going to sleep or trying avoid it altogether - both of which can lead to problems down the road if not addressed properly from an early age onwards.. Instead, remain firm but kind when enforcing bedtime rules so they understand that you mean business but still feel loved at the same time - this will ensure better results over time compared with negotiating every night!

By following these tips, parents should be able find success in getting their toddlers into bed without too much trouble!


Bedtime, Routine, Choices, Calm Environment, Negotiating, Firm but Kind,
