Biting Your Own Tongue: How to Stop This Unwanted Habit

Biting your own tongue can be an embarrassing and uncomfortable habit that you may want to break. Whether it's a nervous habit, a reaction to something sour or bitter, or simply an unconscious action, biting your own tongue can cause pain and even lead to infection if left unchecked. Fortunately, there are some strategies for breaking this unwanted habit.

First and foremost, it’s important to identify the triggers that cause you to bite your tongue. If the habit is caused by stress or anxiety, practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or mindfulness meditation when feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, try avoiding certain foods that may trigger the urge to bite down on your tongue like sour candy or acidic fruits and vegetables.

Another strategy for breaking this unwanted habit is using positive reinforcement techniques such as rewarding yourself when you don’t bite your own tongue with something special like a favorite snack or activity. You can also use negative reinforcement by punishing yourself with pre-determined consequences each time you do bite down on your tongue in order to discourage the behavior in the future.

Finally, if these strategies don't seem to be working then it might be worth consulting with a therapist who specializes in treating habits and compulsions such as biting one’s own tongue. A professional can help identify potential underlying causes of this behavior and help create a personalized treatment plan tailored specifically for you.

Overall, biting one’s own tongue can be an embarrassing and uncomfortable habit but there are ways of breaking it through identifying triggers, using positive reinforcement techniques, negative reinforcement techniques and consulting with a therapist if necessary. With persistence and dedication you should eventually be able break this unwanted habit once and for all!


Biting own tongue, Embarrassing, Uncomfortable, Nervous habit, Reaction to sour/bitter, Unconscious action, Pain/Infection, Triggers, Relaxation techniques/Deep breathing exercises/Mindfulness meditation, Avoid certain foods (sour candy/acidic fruits and vegetables), Positive reinforcement (rewarding self), Negative reinforcement (punishing self), Consult therapist (specializing in habits and compulsions),
