Canker Sores: The Most Common Cause of Tongue Pain

Canker sores are one of the most common causes of tongue pain, yet they often go undiagnosed and untreated. Canker sores are small, shallow ulcers that form on the inside of the mouth, including the tongue. They can be painful and cause discomfort when eating or speaking. Although they usually heal within 7-10 days without treatment, it is important to identify their cause in order to prevent recurrence in the future.

The exact cause of canker sores is unknown; however, certain factors seem to trigger them such as stress, a weakened immune system due to illness or medications, acidic foods and beverages (such as citrus fruits), food allergies/intolerances (like gluten sensitivity), hormonal changes during menstruation, trauma from a dental appliance or injury in the mouth area, and nutritional deficiencies (especially vitamin B-12).

Fortunately there are many ways to treat canker sores. Over-the-counter topical treatments containing benzocaine or hydrogen peroxide can help reduce pain and speed up healing time. Additionally taking lysine supplements may help reduce inflammation and shorten healing time while avoiding acidic foods/beverages may reduce recurrences.

It is important to remember that if your canker sore persists for more than two weeks or if it appears alongside other symptoms like fever or fatigue then you should seek medical attention as these could be signs of an underlying condition such as a viral infection like herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1) which requires specific treatment by a healthcare professional.

In conclusion, canker sores are one of the most common causes of tongue pain yet they often go undiagnosed and untreated due to lack of knowledge about their potential triggers/causes. Fortunately there are many ways to treat them at home with over-the-counter topical treatments but if symptoms persist for more than two weeks then it’s best to seek medical advice from a healthcare professional who will be able diagnose any underlying conditions correctly and provide appropriate treatment accordingly.


Canker sores, tongue pain, shallow ulcers, discomfort, trigger factors, stress, weakened immune system, acidic foods/beverages, food allergies/intolerances, hormonal changes, trauma dental appliance/injury in mouth area; nutritional deficiencies; benzocaine/hydrogen peroxide; lysine supplements; fever/fatigue; viral infection; HSV1.,
