How to Relieve Painful Sores on Your Tongue

Sores on the tongue can be painful and uncomfortable, but luckily there are several remedies available to help relieve this discomfort. Here are some tips for relieving painful sores on your tongue:

1. Avoid spicy and acidic foods: Spicy and acidic foods can irritate your tongue and make the pain from a sore even worse. Try to avoid these types of food until the sore has healed.

2. Use a topical anesthetic: There are several over-the-counter topical anesthetics that can help numb the area around a sore on your tongue, providing relief from pain and discomfort. Be sure to follow package instructions when using any type of medication or product.

3. Gargle with salt water: Gargling with salt water can help reduce inflammation in the area around a sore, providing some relief from pain and discomfort. To do this, mix 1/4 teaspoon of table salt in 8 ounces of warm water and gargle for 30 seconds before spitting it out. Do not swallow the mixture!

4. Suck on ice chips: Sucking on ice chips can help numb your tongue, reducing pain from sores while also helping to reduce swelling in the area surrounding them.

5. Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen: If you’re still feeling pain from sores on your tongue despite trying other remedies, taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen may provide some relief from discomfort until they heal up completely.

By following these tips for relieving painful sores on your tongue, you should be able to find some much-needed relief from discomfort quickly so you can get back to enjoying life without worrying about these annoying sores!


sores, tongue, painful, uncomfortable, remedies, relief, spicy foods, acidic foods, topical anesthetic, salt water, ice chips, ibuprofen/acetaminophen,
