How to Manage Exercise with Type 1 Diabetes

Exercising with type 1 diabetes can be a daunting task. But with proper planning and preparation, you can manage your diabetes and still enjoy the physical benefits of exercise. Here are some tips to help you manage exercise with type 1 diabetes:

1. Monitor your blood sugar levels: Before, during, and after any physical activity, it’s important to monitor your blood sugar levels closely. This will allow you to adjust insulin doses as needed and prevent possible hypoglycemic episodes. Make sure to always carry a glucose meter with you when exercising so that you can check your sugar levels at any time.

2. Eat before exercising: Eating a snack or meal before working out will help maintain steady blood sugar levels throughout the activity. Choose foods that are low in fat and high in carbohydrates such as fruit or whole grain crackers. This will give your body energy while preventing hypoglycemia during exercise.

3. Adjust insulin doses: Depending on the intensity of the activity, it may be necessary to adjust insulin doses prior to exercising in order to prevent hyperglycemia (high blood sugars). Talk to your doctor or certified diabetes educator about how much insulin should be taken prior to different types of activities for optimal results.

4. Stay hydrated: Staying hydrated is essential for all individuals but especially those living with type 1 diabetes as dehydration can lead to high blood sugars due to decreased insulin absorption from the body's cells when dehydrated . Make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids before, during, and after any physical activity in order for optimal performance and health outcomes .

5 . Take breaks if needed : If at any point during physical activity , if you feel light-headed , dizzy , or confused , take a break immediately . These may be signs of hypoglycemia which should not be ignored . Make sure that when taking breaks , that snacks containing carbohydrates are consumed ( such as fruit ) in order for glucose levels to return back up again quickly .

By following these tips on how to manage exercise with type 1 diabetes, you can ensure that both your health and performance goals are met while staying safe throughout all activities!


type 1 diabetes, blood sugar levels, insulin doses, hydrated, hypoglycemia, carbohydrates, glucose levels,
