How to Manage Stress and Anxiety with Type 1 Diabetes

Living with type 1 diabetes can be a stressful and anxiety-inducing experience. From managing blood sugar levels to ensuring you have the right supplies, it can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to help manage stress and anxiety related to living with type 1 diabetes.

1. Stay organized: It’s important to stay organized when managing type 1 diabetes. Keep track of your blood sugar levels, medication doses, and other important information in a logbook or on an app like Glooko or MySugr. This will help you stay on top of your health and reduce stress related to forgetting or not keeping track of your numbers.

2. Eat healthy: Eating healthy is an important part of managing type 1 diabetes. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as lean proteins such as fish, chicken, or eggs. Avoid processed foods that are high in sugar and fat as these can cause spikes in blood sugar levels which can lead to more stress and anxiety about managing the condition.

3. Exercise regularly: Exercise has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins that make you feel good while also helping regulate blood sugar levels better than medications alone can do. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise each day such as walking or jogging, swimming, biking, yoga, or strength training at the gym if possible for best results in reducing stress related to living with type 1 diabetes .

4 . Get enough sleep: Sleep is essential for both physical health and mental health so make sure you get at least 7-8 hours each night if possible . A lack of sleep can increase feelings of stress and anxiety so getting enough restful sleep will help keep these feelings under control while also helping regulate blood sugar levels better during the day .

5 . Talk it out : If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your condition , don’t hesitate to reach out for help from friends , family members , a therapist , doctor , or support group . Talking through your emotions can be beneficial in reducing stress while also providing valuable insight into how best manage your condition on a daily basis .

By following these tips , living with type 1 diabetes doesn't have to be stressful or overwhelming ! With proper care , planning , organization , exercise , nutrition , restful sleep , and emotional support - it is possible to live a full life despite this chronic condition !


type 1 diabetes, logbook, Glooko, MySugr, fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, processed foods, exercise, endorphins, sleep, friends and family members, therapist/doctor/support group,
