Treating Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis Naturally

Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that affects the large intestine and rectum. Symptoms of UC can include abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, and rectal bleeding. While there is no cure for UC, there are many natural treatments that can help reduce symptoms and improve quality of life.

1. Diet: Eating a healthy diet is important for managing UC symptoms. Eating foods that are high in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts can help reduce inflammation and improve digestion. Additionally, avoiding certain trigger foods such as dairy products or spicy foods may be beneficial for some people with UC.

2. Probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria found in fermented foods such as yogurt and kimchi that can help to restore the balance of good bacteria in the gut which can help reduce inflammation associated with UC. Taking a probiotic supplement may also be beneficial for some people with UC to increase their intake of beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome.

3. Stress Management: Stress has been linked to increased inflammation in people with IBD including those with Ulcerative Colitis so it’s important to practice stress management techniques such as yoga or meditation to reduce stress levels and improve overall wellbeing . Additionally, getting enough sleep each night is also important for managing stress levels as well as reducing fatigue associated with IBD flare ups .

4. Exercise: Regular exercise has been shown to have anti-inflammatory benefits which can help reduce symptoms associated with Ulcerative Colitis . Exercise helps to release endorphins which are hormones that act as natural painkillers so it’s important for people living with IBD to get regular physical activity even if it’s just going on a short walk every day .

5 Supplements: Certain supplements have been found to be helpful in reducing inflammation associated with Ulcerative Colitis including fish oil , curcumin , vitamin D , zinc , glutamine , and Boswellia serrata extract . It’s best to consult your doctor before taking any supplements as they may interact negatively with medications you are already taking or worsen existing conditions you may have .

By following these natural treatments you should be able find relief from your symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis while improving your overall wellbeing at the same time!


Ulcerative Colitis, IBD, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, rectal bleeding, diet, fiber, trigger foods, probiotics, stress management, yoga/meditation/sleep/exercise/fish oil/curcumin/vitamin D/zinc/glutamine/Boswellia serrata extract,
