How to Identify a Vaginal Infection

Vaginal infections are common and can be caused by a variety of factors, including bacteria, yeast, viruses, and parasites. While not all vaginal infections require medical attention, it is important to recognize the symptoms of an infection so you can seek treatment if necessary. The following steps will help you identify a possible vaginal infection.

1. Check for abnormal discharge: One of the most common signs of a vaginal infection is an abnormal discharge from the vagina. This could be yellow or green in color, have an unpleasant odor, or appear thicker than normal. If you notice any changes in your vaginal discharge that last more than two days, it's important to see your doctor for further evaluation.

2. Look for other symptoms: Other symptoms associated with a vaginal infection include itching or burning around the vagina; pain during urination; pain during sex; and redness or swelling around the vulva (the area outside the vagina). If you experience any of these symptoms along with an abnormal discharge from your vagina, it's important to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

3. Get tested: The only way to definitively diagnose a vaginal infection is through laboratory testing. Your doctor may take swabs from inside your vagina and send them off for testing in order to determine what type of infection you have and what treatment is needed if any at all.

By understanding how to identify a possible vaginal infection early on, you can take steps towards getting appropriate treatment if necessary and avoiding further complications down the road


. Vaginal Infections, Abnormal Discharge, Unpleasant Odor, Itching/Burning, Pain During Urination/Sex, Redness/Swelling, Laboratory Testing,
