What Are the Most Common Signs of a Yeast or Bacterial Vaginosis?

Vaginal infections are a common problem for many women. Yeast and bacterial vaginosis (BV) are two of the most common types of vaginal infections. Symptoms of these infections can vary, but there are some tell-tale signs that you should look out for. Here is a list of the most common signs that you may be suffering from a yeast or bacterial vaginosis infection:

1. Unusual Discharge: One of the most common signs of BV or yeast vaginosis is an unusual discharge from your vagina. This discharge may be yellowish, grayish, greenish, or even white in color and will often have a fishy odor to it. It is important to note that all women produce some type of discharge on a regular basis, so it’s important to pay attention to any changes in consistency or smell that occur with your regular discharge.

2. Itching and Burning: Another symptom associated with both BV and yeast vaginosis is itching and burning around the vaginal area. This symptom can range from mild to severe depending on the severity of your infection, but it’s important to note if this symptom occurs as it could indicate an infection requiring treatment.

3. Painful Urination: Painful urination can also be a sign of either BV or yeast vaginosis as these infections can cause inflammation in the urinary tract which can lead to pain when urinating.

4 Redness and Swelling: Redness and swelling around the vaginal area may also occur if you have either type of infection as they both cause inflammation in this area which leads to redness and swelling.

If you experience any combination of these symptoms then it’s important that you seek medical attention right away as both BV and yeast vaginosis require treatment in order for them to be cleared up properly without causing further complications down the road such as infertility issues or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).


Vaginal infections, Yeast, Bacterial Vaginosis, Unusual Discharge, Itching and Burning, Painful Urination, Redness and Swelling,
