How to Recognize Signs of Severe Vertigo

Vertigo is a condition that affects many people, causing dizziness and a feeling of spinning. While it can be mild and manageable, severe vertigo can have serious consequences. It is important to recognize the signs of severe vertigo so that you can seek medical help if necessary.

1. Loss of Balance: One of the most common signs of severe vertigo is difficulty maintaining balance when standing or walking. This symptom may be accompanied by a feeling of swaying or rocking back and forth, even when you are still. If you experience this symptom, it is important to seek medical attention right away as it could indicate a more serious underlying issue.

2. Nausea: Another sign of severe vertigo is nausea, which may be accompanied by vomiting or abdominal pain. This symptom indicates that your body is struggling to compensate for the sudden changes in balance caused by the condition, and should not be ignored as it could worsen over time without treatment.

3. Visual Changes: Severe vertigo can also cause visual disturbances such as blurred vision or double vision due to your eyes being unable to keep up with the rapid changes in your environment caused by the condition. If you experience any visual changes while experiencing severe vertigo symptoms, contact your doctor immediately for further assessment and treatment options.

4. Hearing Changes: Severe vertigo can also lead to hearing problems such as ringing in the ears (tinnitus) or muffled hearing due to fluid buildup in the inner ear canal caused by the condition’s effects on balance and equilibrium within your body’s systems . If you experience any hearing changes while experiencing severe vertigo symptoms, contact your doctor immediately for further assessment and treatment options .

If you believe that you are experiencing any signs of severe vertigo, it is important to seek medical attention right away in order to prevent further complications from developing over time . Your doctor will likely perform tests such as an MRI scan or CT scan in order to diagnose any underlying causes for your symptoms before recommending a course of action for treatment .


Vertigo, Loss of Balance, Nausea, Visual Changes, Hearing Changes, MRI Scan, CT Scan,
