New Treatments for Managing Your Chronic Condition: Dealing With Vertigo

Living with a chronic condition can be a challenge, especially when it comes to managing your symptoms. For those who suffer from vertigo, finding the right treatment plan can be difficult. Fortunately, there are some new treatments available that have been proven to help manage the symptoms of vertigo and improve quality of life.

One of the most effective treatments for vertigo is vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT). VRT is an exercise-based program designed to help improve balance and reduce dizziness associated with vertigo. During this type of therapy, patients engage in activities such as balance exercises, head movements, and eye exercises. These exercises help retrain the brain to better process visual signals from the inner ear and reduce dizziness associated with vertigo. Studies have shown that VRT can provide long-term relief from vertigo symptoms for up to two years after treatment.

Another treatment option for managing vertigo is medications such as antihistamines or anticholinergics. These medications work by reducing inflammation in the inner ear which can help relieve dizziness associated with vertigo. However, these medications are only effective when taken on a regular basis so it’s important to discuss this option with your doctor before starting any medication regimen.

Finally, one of the newer treatments for managing vertigo is transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). TMS involves using magnetic fields to stimulate areas of the brain that are responsible for controlling balance and coordination. Studies have shown that TMS can be an effective way to reduce dizziness associated with vertigo without causing any side effects or adverse reactions in patients who take part in this type of therapy.

Overall, there are now many different options available for managing your chronic condition if you suffer from Vertigo. Whether you choose vestibular rehabilitation therapy, medications or transcranial magnetic stimulation; finding a treatment plan that works best for you will ultimately depend on your individual needs and preferences as well as advice from your healthcare provider.


Vertigo, Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT), Balance Exercises, Head Movements, Eye Exercises, Antihistamines, Anticholinergics, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), Magnetic Fields,
